Sunday 8 May 2011

OH NO!!! It's Godzilla!!....oh no wait its just....politics on social media? or maybe batman

Ok well, let me make this point very clear, I've never been clear on politics, my mind is an imagination machine which sees connections and links between things everywhere, so when I look at politics, i simply hate it, whether it is regular politics or the evolved politics using social media, i prefer to stay away, i make connections between the most random things and tend to make stupid choices based on that, for example does anyone remember the tie Obama was wearing during his announcement that Osama bin Laden was officially publicized as dead? I do, it was a darkish red, kind of maroon, i don't know why, but i picked up on that, as well as Obama took slightly too long when pausing between words, just making me thing that he didn't 100% believe what he was saying off the teleprompter. But that's just the random thoughts that run through my head when see anything political, for instance, when a media company reports on something like floods, i think, rather than capturing footage of people stuck on top of cars or stranded, why not use those damn helicopters to help those people!

Urgghh i just get sick of it all, that's why i prefer not to look at any of it and just read articles about things rather than see people dress them up, although I won't say that there are articles out there that are dressed up as well.

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