Wednesday 25 May 2011

Bow down to the iPhone!!!

Hmm will the iphone, or any other mobile device for that matter, take over the world, figuratively, as the most dominant screen for the 21st century.

Straight of the bat, i want to say no, almost as far as hell no, but deffinetly close to hell no.

My reason for saying no is because of my experience, as a IT guy and an extremely computer savy nerd, i know that there are so many things that laptops and computers can do that phones will never take over, off the top of my head i can think of the speed at which computers work, if they start making phones which could work as fast as computers, theywould be really really hot and i mean really hot, an average computer runs at 30C, max of 80C. so unless the phone comes with some magical cooling components, no way.

Also, i love large monitors i love large computer monitors so much i have 3 24" monitors for my computer, and i love having lots and lots of room to do my work, so as im sure im not the only one of loves alot of working space, a mobile phone wouldn't be able to do that without getting extremely bulky and heavy and, well no one wants that.

Well from a techy point of view, the technology just isnt there for people to use mobile phones everyday but it would still be amazing if it was possible, but i would just never like to be in that position where the most prominant technological system is for mobile phones, personally if there was bigger tvs and much larger computers, i'd be hapy with that, but when it comes to computers i just like to think that bigger is better.

Two thousand eight hundred and thirty two point no wait its just called second life

Yep thats right i know nothing about second life, but as i type this im actually watching a presentation on second life so i guess i can convey the important points about what i see.
And straight of the bat as a guy who likes design, the logo is interesting.

Apparently Second life is very similar to the Sims. And the sims is made to fill Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs...huh i just like building awesome houses in the game.

The four player categories of the Sims also relates to Second Life, there are the conformers, death dealers, the reality viewers and the doll house.

Second life originally began its (first) life as a game called Linden world which was primative, but in 2002 simulation was extremely basic, so from what i see it was pretty good for its time.

From 2002 to today Linden Lab has grown Second Life into a massive game with new adults only districts as well as a bigger world, and a new community platform for new users.

So for those reading this who are wondering what all these facts are, well from what i see the company which runs Second Life, Linden Labs, focusses heavily on what a players avatar (playable character) can do during their life. It relates alot to the sims more than just on the psychological side of things, but also for a person to use it to experience different things that they know they woul not get a chance to do on a day to day basis.

So yeah its actually an interesting aspect that i would have a look around just to quency my curiousity.

Sunday 8 May 2011

We interrupt your daily random internet viewing to bring you this breaking news

To anyone reading my blog, i'd just like to say im sorry i haven't posted my posts up sooner, turns out i was simply saving the posts rather than publishing them, so there should be a few bellow, some of you may not have seen yet, check 'em out, and enjoy

OH NO!!! It's Godzilla!!....oh no wait its just....politics on social media? or maybe batman

Ok well, let me make this point very clear, I've never been clear on politics, my mind is an imagination machine which sees connections and links between things everywhere, so when I look at politics, i simply hate it, whether it is regular politics or the evolved politics using social media, i prefer to stay away, i make connections between the most random things and tend to make stupid choices based on that, for example does anyone remember the tie Obama was wearing during his announcement that Osama bin Laden was officially publicized as dead? I do, it was a darkish red, kind of maroon, i don't know why, but i picked up on that, as well as Obama took slightly too long when pausing between words, just making me thing that he didn't 100% believe what he was saying off the teleprompter. But that's just the random thoughts that run through my head when see anything political, for instance, when a media company reports on something like floods, i think, rather than capturing footage of people stuck on top of cars or stranded, why not use those damn helicopters to help those people!

Urgghh i just get sick of it all, that's why i prefer not to look at any of it and just read articles about things rather than see people dress them up, although I won't say that there are articles out there that are dressed up as well.

Monday 2 May 2011

Metube? ohhhh Youtube

Okay well I've noticed that i haven't really put up a post in a while and since i have some spare time I thought i might do 1, maybe 2 posts today, lets see how i go.

This is easily one of my favourite videos on Youtube.
I just love how something with so much preperation was as small as a mobile companies advertisement and thanks to Youtube it has now been watched over 8 million times, though i have to admit at least 100 of those times have got to be me.

Personally my favourite part of that video is 1 minute 20 seconds in, that guy has an amazing voice, and first time i saw this video, he deffinetly suprised me haha.

I just remembered that I had seen this video ages ago and it reminded me that lots of people put videos up on youtube  just so they can show off their work, some people like to keep it simple, like with lego or something way more complicated like the russian video uploaded before.

Though you may want to put the volume down a bit, personally i like a lot of music but i couldn't be bothered listening to that.

Anyways yeah...i see youtube